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EDB ErgoGroup and Bankarnas Automatbolag AB Sign Agreement to Support ATMs in Sweden

EDB ErgoGroup, a parent company of Miratech, a leading IT outsourcing provider, has entered into an agreement with Bankarnas Automatbolag AB, a company that represents the five largest banks in Sweden: Danske Bank, Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB and Swedbank.

The agreement runs for seven years, and represents total contract value in the order of NOK 800 million. According to the agreement, EDB ErgoGroup is to deliver standardized services for the banks’ ATMs. This includes administration, software management, transaction processing, settlement and operational monitoring. A combined transition project will make all 2,800 ATMs part of EDB ErgoGroup’s service concept for ATMs over the course of 2012. In total, EDB ErgoGroup will now provide services for 3,200 of the 3,800 ATMs in use in Sweden. For the Nordic region as a whole, EDB ErgoGroup provides services for approximately 6,000 ATMs.

Terje Mj¿s, CEO of EDB ErgoGroup: This agreement with Bankarnas Automatbolag is an important milestone for our commitment to the Swedish market. We have built up a strong presence across the Nordic region over recent years, and we have developed a standardized IT services portfolio for the banking and finance market. This agreement demonstrates the results of this commitment.


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